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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lip Service: Beyoncé-gate… really?

Image courtesy of 123rf
All the commotion about Beyoncé’s lip-synching of the “Star Spangled Banner,” at the 2013 inauguration begs the question: what’s the big deal?  Is it that some felt snookered in the assumption that she was singing live and unassisted for such a historic moment?  Or, that her performance was one part diva perfection and another part pantomime?  Or, the belief that Beyoncé can do no wrong and this blurred that line?  But, with such an amazing rendition, do we really care? 

Though I initially questioned the vocals as sounding mixed and not from a raw feed, I’m past my initial surprise and remain enthralled and enamored by her overall performance.  Edited or not, Baddie Bey delivered a beautiful version that will ever be emulated.  As other singers have attested, performing to track is something that is done sometimes.  Is it the end of the world?  Much like the Mayan prophecies, no.  And, in the world of audio techniques and options, any Lance Armstrong parallels are off base. 

Image courtesy of
Truth is, singers depend on guide tracks for any number of reasons -- whether due to inclement weather or mental doubts or physical issues, etc.  -- why they might decide not to sing live for a particular performance.  Exempting certain straight-to-tape recordings, very seldom is "live" live.  Whether Bey was lip-synching, singing live or along to the track, the reality is that singing in such a cold environment on top of any possible nerves at such a mega event can be incredibly tough on human and man-made instruments – even for sheroes. True, the voice is tempermental but is live singing done and possible to do?  Yes, just ask Aretha Franklin, Kelly Clarkson, James Taylor, and countless others. 

However, one might also want to consider the potential downside of going for it and missing in such a moment.  Gasp. What if this historic moment had become the lingering topic of discussion or a viral video sensation because of a flub?  Can you imagine?  Hedging the bet on your performance is a personal decision.  As for how Beyoncé feels about hers, perhaps her “Can I live?” Instagram photo says it all.  

Image courtesy of Beyonce via Instagram
Here’s what we know for sure about Beyoncé: 1) she can sing the back of a cereal box and almost everybody will love it; 2) she’s a consummate, already proven entertainer whether singing live or along with a pre-recorded track or lip-synching; and 3) almost everyone loves her version of the “Star Spangled Banner.”   History will surely reiterate such accolades.

Along with Beyoncé and in addition to Whitney Houston’s pre-recorded and classic rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner,” there’s another version of the National Anthem I love and which was performed 100% live on a cold day.  Thank you, Jackie Michaels.